
Monday, March 24, 2014

The Cat

The cat is lurking, waiting for me around every corner
As I twist and turn through the streets it is in every corner stalking and pondering my next move
"What does it want?" I calmly ask myself only to feel it's cold grimace over my shoulder

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Macabre Circus

The macabre circus for those who don’t know is a place that you only can get to with the feeling excessive dread and woe!
Strangers, monsters and lunatics assort meander the foundations baring smiles, frowns and appalling smirks.
Once you turn up here you cannot leave, it doesn't matter who you ask or what you believe.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Deception of a Gilded Dream or a Reverie of Life Forevermore

Coveting comfort within a cement mask
Like an amazing tale influenced by a flask
The shaped denied within
Torment and tears
Labor for this sin
Why have you tormented me so
To see the one thing I want
And for it to go up into a memory I cannot know
Who is to say this cannot be real
Through a crazy man's eye
Every bump is a hill
A dream of a dream
A dream so real